Materials and Constructions

Welcome at the website of the Materials and Constructions Division, in short MAT, which is part of the Civil Engineering Department of KU Leuven.


The Building Materials and Constructions group aims to generate advanced knowledge through fundamental and application-oriented research on durable and sustainable building materials, structural components and construction, contributing to new, existing and heritage structures with low environmental impact, structural resilience and improved service life.

laboratory reyntjens

The Reyntjens Laboratory has a wide range of test facilities to support research and eduction.



Consulting services are offered to industry for material testing and innovation in construction.



Overview of the people active at the Materials and Constructions Division in Leuven.


Following link connects you with all publications from MAT, as archived in the KU Leuven depository "Lirias".

List of MAT Publications

Link to older archive.


The Materials and Constructions group has research activities and laboratories in following KU Leuven campus locations:

- Leuven (current website)
- Ghent Technology Campus 
- De Nayer (St. Katelijne-Waver)
- Bruges: Recycon group


WTA-PRECOM³OS Conference


From climate and damage monitoring to a systemic and integrated approach

3-5 April 2019, Leuven, Belgium

We would like to thank all participants for their contributions! The Dutch proceedings can be found on the website of WTA-NL-VL.